Veicoli per spurgo

Veicoli di intervento da 3,2 T a 3,5 T
Veicoli versatili, facili da usare e possono operare in aree difficili da raggiungere.
Intervento 3,2 T
Peso lordo del veicolo: 3200 kg
Autocisterna con una capacità di 800 litri per il fango e 400 litri per l’ acqua
Veicolo fuoristrada (4 ruote motrici)
Pompa ad alta pressione PRATISSOLI KT22 (43 l / min a 330 bar) o KT24 (50 l / min a 250 bar) secondo la configurazione
Pompe per vuoto a palette JUROP PN 33 D à 200 m3 / h (60% di vide) o WITTIG SLS54 à 325 m3 / h (60% di vide)
JUROP PN 33 D paletta pompa a vuoto a 200 m3 / h (vuoto al 60%) o WITTIG SLS54 a 325 m3 / h (vuoto al 60%)
Intervento 3,5 T
Peso lordo del veicolo: 3500 kg
Carico utile: 1360 kg
Capacità di 1400 litri di fango e 450 litri di acqua
Alta pressione (46 l / m² a 300 bar)
Pompa per vuoto a palette JUROP PN 45 D con 318 m3 / h (vuoto al 60%)
Veicoli per i rifiuti da 16T a 26T
Una gamma di veicoli dedicati alla sanificazione di reti collettive e non collettive, da piccoli lavori di pulizia a importanti lavori di pulizia.
Veicolo rifiuti 16 T
Peso del veicolo lordo: 1600 kg
Carico utile: da 4500 a 4900 kg
Autocisterna 5,5 m3 con fango e 2,6 m3 con acqua
Portata pompa ad alta pressione da 145 l / min a 182 l / min a 200 bar
Pompa a vuoto a pistone rotativo HIBON VTB 810 da 1250 a 1500 m³ / h (con vuoto del 60%)
Veicolo di scarico 26 T
Peso totale sotto carico: 26000 kg
Flusso della pompa ad alta pressione 274 l / min a 200 bar o 333 l / min a 170 bar secondo la configurazione
Pompa per vuoto con pistoni HIBON VTB 820 XL a 1900 m3 / ha vuoto al 60
Opzioni modello autocisterna per rifiuti
2.200g Autocisterna per rifiuti
3.300g Autocisterna per rifiuti
4.400g Autocarro per rifiuti
6.600g Rimorchio cisterna per rifiuti
Autocarro per rifiuti Kilowhale
Autocarro combinato di medio volume (svuotafrigo)
Autocarro per rifiuti riciclati
Nota: le opzioni elencate sono le specifiche più comunemente richieste.
State cercando una versione specifica o un extra? Contattateci.
Marche Veicoli per spurgo
Nella nostra flotta sono disponibili 84 marche di rimorchi. Ogni marca ha dimensioni diverse. Contattateci per avere maggiori informazioni.
Domande frequenti
If you want to rent a trailer, tanker or other type of equipment for less than 12 months, it will be considered as lease.
If you wish to rent for more than 12 months, please see our leasing options.
Please visit our map to find our service points near your location.
Please tell us what you are looking for, and we will provide you with a suitable offer.
It depends on the country where you are located. European Standard Equipment is 4000mm based on 5th wheel height between 1120 – 1150mm. These are the official European Height Regulations per country:
UK = No Limit IR = 4,25 m NL = 4,0 m BE = 4,0 m (1%) LU = 4,0 m FR = No Limit ES = 4,0 m PT = 4,0 m (Container 4,4m) NO = No Limit FI = 4,2 m EE = 4,0 m SW = No Limit DK = 4,0 m PL = 4,0 m GE = 4,0 m CZ = 4,0 m HU = 4,0 m AU = 4,0 m IT = 4,0 m (Container 4,3 m) GR = 4,0 m
Please tell us what you are looking for we will assist you with your request.
This depends on the type of trailer you need. Please submit a quote and we will come back to you with the most attractive offer possible.
Yes, all type of equipment that are presented under equipment are available for renting.
We have standard terms & conditions, they are integral part of a contract and added with every new contract. We can also send them on request.
Please check our Fair Wear & Tear Conditions.
Your pickup location is stated in your rental contract. Please refer to our Location Finder for all TIP locations.
Under the standard conditions you should drop off the equipment at the same location where you picked it up. We can make exclusions on request, but additional charges may occur. Please contact your TIP account manager in this case.
For all hires of less than 365 days full service is included, which contains servicing, tyre replacement, axle and brake parts replacement, refrigeration unit parts replacement, other parts replacement and Roadside Assistance. Details for all maintenance elements can be found in the standard terms and conditions, which are an integral part of a contract and added to every new contract. We can also send them on request.
Most of the information can be found on our equipment page. If you need additional information, please let us know and we will contact you as soon as possible.
If you do not have an account in our system yet, it will take couple of steps to complete your profile. Start the process by submitting your quote.
We always provide our customers with serviced trailers and a valid MOT.
Full Service will comprise servicing, tyre replacement, axle and brake parts replacement, refrigeration unit parts replacement, other parts replacement and Roadside Assistance service and is compulsory for all hires shorter han 365 (three hundred sixty-five) days.
We have an extensive fleet of trailers and other assets. Most of our equipment is displayed here. If you submit a quote, we will assist you with your request.