Corporate Social Responsibility
"We apply high environmental and social standards to our business to support a sustainable future."

In our view, being economically successful and internationally competitive generates value for our shareholder, customers and society at large. We apply high environmental and social standards to our business to support a sustainable future.
We recognise that we have a duty to our stakeholders to be a reliable partner with the highest integrity and ethics. We engage with and learn from others through open dialogue on mutual interests.
ETB: Pan-European centre of knowledge
We are the founder and lead member of the European Transport Board(ETB), a group of leading European transport and logistics providers, which together represent a significant part of the industry with almost 300,000 trailers in the combined fleet. The ETB’s goal is to share insight and solutions that solve common issues which transcend country borders and individual needs. Its mission specifically aims to:
- Reduce environmental impact
- Reduce congestion from road transport
- Increase road safety
- Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the industry
With our colleagues in the ETB, we strive to connect:
- Our members to work together more effectively
- With EU priorities
- On environmental and social challenges
- Public and private initiatives
- Demand to supply: reducing congestion and emissions
- The European market to global demand
- All transportation modalities
UN Global Compact
TIP is part of the United Nations Global Compact; a United Nations initiative to encourage businesses worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies, and to report on their implementation. It is a principle-based framework for businesses, stating ten principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Under the Global Compact, companies are brought together with UN agencies, labour groups and civil society.
The UN Global Compact is the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative.
TIP Volunteers program
We’ve had a long history of success and share that prosperity with the communities we serve.
We take pride in the support we provide local and regional charities, customer sponsored fundraisers, children’s’ sport teams and hospital charities. Some of the charities we participate in follow:
- Harbour Run in Rotterdam for the Dutch Burns Foundation
- Annual charity bicycle ride organized by our UK office for the United Kingdom National Charity for Cancer Research, Donna Louise Trust for terminally ill children and the Air Ambulance Service
- Blue Door Shelters in Canada: provides safe, supportive shelter and services for the homeless. There are three, no fee shelters for youth, family and men at risk. The charity provides help to find permanent housing, counselling, accommodations and food.